Tuesday, 27 October 2009

.:: More information about Ar Tonelico 3::.

visual book

battle screen shot

nice artwork ~

1. World Information – An introduction to the 3rd installment of the Ar Tonelico series, a background of the 3rd tower and the world, and also a background to Aoto’s hometown

* Ar Tonelico 3’s world – Sol Cluster is pretty much dominated by β-class Reyvatail which are the ruling class. They reside in the country of Clustania. The ideal world to them consists only of Reyvateils and purified humans. Purified humans are inferior to the Reyvatails. The rest of the humanity stays in the land of 大牙 (Great Fang)?. It is a pretty dark world as compared to the previous Ar Tonelico series imo.

* Something about the β-class Reyvatails was unveiled too, which they have some kind of organization ?

2. Character information – Aoto (CV: Sugiyama Noriaki) , Saki (CV: Goto Mai) and Finnel (CV: Kitamura Eri) ’s information unveiled

* Saki is a Reyvateil born in a research lab, her purpose in this world is to create a impact or influence to the world. She had escaped before the plan for her was being executed. After several years, she met Aoto. Upon reaching the state of extreme emotional tension, she can execute a power known as Kiseki (Miracle)

* Finnel is born in Clusternia, the country of Reyvateils, she is a clumsy girl who works in Yokkora, a restaurant established on the Eternal Road. She seems to have a significant connection to the very existence of Clusternia.She is a β-class reyvatail.

* Aoto is the main male lead in this game, showing a dislike towards Clusternia. A strong responsibility to finish anything he started but he does not think about consequences when he act. His dislike of Clusternia turns into hate when he finds about Saki’s history. Aoto’s hometown is in Great Fang which is battered by the elements of the world, a strong contrast to the Clusternia.

3. New screenshot of the gameplay field, seems appealing. :P New screenshots of the battle gameplay, esp the nice Finnel fireball attack :3


4. Binding abilities to your elements? This is a main element in your battle gameplay that contributes to the R.A.H system, by combining several hymnos of different elements, you can create a devastating effect. Battle BGM will change accordingly to the style. Each reyvatail will have their own psyche for the hymnos, merging this RAH system and player’s actions, the real-time BGM changes, which the Active Music Generation System accomplishes, brings a presence never experienced before

5. Diving and item mixture’s core gameplay remains almost same with new features.

* A new feature has been added to the Dive shop which relates to R.A.H as well, each Reyvatail will have an alternate personality that once unlocked, will allow the reyvatail to change into the “other person” including appearance and abilities. (hmm Finnel to Cocona?! nah!).

1 Comment:

marilyn said...

pingin.pingin.pingin segera maennn!!!!
huwaaa >,<

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