Monday, 28 December 2009

.:: The crazy mother ::.

The world now has been crazied with Facebook!
One of the facts:

One of the mother let her son who was alreasy tired to just sleep in the floor while she was chatting with someone with FB!

The pics goes here:

the mother:

I hope this won't happen to you, ok?

3 Comment:

marilyn said...

parah ini sih..
moga2 ga ada ortu yg bgitu lagi.

Spell Checker said...

Cool fact!. Did you find this near your home?. This is the negative effect of Facebook. A Quote for you Friend: "One of the mother let her son who was alreasy tired..." it should be: "One of the mother let her son who was ALREADY tired..." right?. Nice post anyway...:-)

Tour New Zealand said...

That's very sad. Your son has to be your priority!

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