Wednesday, 20 January 2010

What is Hymnos language?

Hymnos language is a language which was created by Akira Tsuchiya For Ar tonelico sequel games which is released by Namco Bandai corporation and has already released until Ar tonelico 3. Hymnos can be only used by reyvateil ( Person who can use song to transfer her emotion and then release some kind of energy/ magic). from its history, it is known that this language was used as former language. But in a modern life, it is only used by reyvateil to release the energy of songs by emulting her emotions.

Origins: Hymmnos is derived from a language used by the Tsukikanade (Moon Chanters), an ancient line of shamans who invoked magic through spell casting. Only two dialects from that language have survived to this day: Cult Ciel, which is still in use even though most of it has been forgotten; and Risshizentsukuyomi, which has very few speakers and grammatical rules that are still unknown to us.
Some time after the first tower of Ar tonelico was built, the people in charge of that project took the language of the Tsukikanade and optimized it for use with controlling the Tower and its communications. ( credit to:

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