Thursday, 21 January 2010


taken from :

Today's update introduces the Hymma, which are key to gaining access to powerful song magic. Hymma are manifestations of the heroines' thoughts. They can be obtained during events in dive mode. Each spirit is assigned a Syncro Level from 1 to 4. Pairing a level 4 Hymma with a heroine will result in more powerful song magic. The problem is that the higher the level, the more difficult it is to make the heroine and the Hymma work together. Fortunately, the developers have come up with the following brilliant solution: To make the combination work, the heroine has to take off her clothes, since they are said to disturb the Hymma. Unfortunately, the girls need to be persuaded to undress. To get your way, you can "bribe" them by offering them items they might like.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Do we need to Purge to obtain a new Hymn Song?

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